2188656 Refrigerator Replacement Drawers with Humidity Control, Width 16.41 in Compatible whirlpool Kenmore Refrigerator,UPPER bin of refrigerator,Part Numbers:AP6006055,2174108A,2174108-D

2188656 Refrigerator Replacement Drawers with Humidity Control, Width 16.41 in Compatible whirlpool Kenmore Refrigerator,UPPER bin of refrigerator,Part Numbers:AP6006055,2174108A,2174108-D

Price: $59.90

Color: White
Model: 240323002

Brand: Sprance


  • Width: 16.41 inch, Height: 15.66 inch.This is the Top Crisper Drawer of refrigerator ONLY. The lower bin is part number 2188664.
  • The unique “Humidity Control” stall design can be adjusted arbitrarily according to the ingredients and your own needs.
  • This part fits:Wh irlpool, K en-more, Kit chen-aid, Ro-per, Kir-kland, Ken-more Elite etc
  • It took about 5 minutes or less to install. After washing the Parts, all you had to do was slide it in place.
  • Fit Numbers: 2188656, WP2188656,2175075,2173384,2173386,2174416,2179281,2179347,2173694 etc

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